Thank You, danke, grazie, merci, gracias, asante, tack, efharisto,
arigato, spasibo, obrigado, tak, dankie -whatever language you say it in
doesn't matter - it still has the same meaning! We all need to say thank you for something and what better way than with a beautiful hand stamped notecard?
And with Christmas just around the corner there will be lots of Thank You's needed!
- Thank You for the amazing Christmas gifts
- Thank You for cooking a wonderful Christmas lunch
- Thank You for hosting Christmas
- Thank You for being the designated driver this Christmas
- Thank You for just being You!
As a big Thank you to you for supporting handcrafted sellers ColaCreations is giving away a set of Thank You cards when an item is purchased from my WOWThankYou shop during the CRAFTfest event.
Simply enter code CFNOV2013 when you make your purchase and a free set of note cards will be sent along with your purchase!
All that is left for me to say is a big THANK YOU for taking the time to read this Blog!
This promotion is available from 16th - 23rd Nov 2013
Thank you too for all the hard work you have put in to help us newbies. Very much appreciated. Love the note cards. Will tweet and share this post.